When will the arrests of the criminals who terrorize mankind finally begin? Why is there no visible action yet from the white hats in the military? Why is everything taking so long?

It is important to understand the nature of the current war, lest we suffer from unnecessary frustration and disappointment.

First of all: arresting a few public puppets is useless. It’s like locking up a low level drug-dealer, while leaving the ringleaders untouched. Guys like Gates and Fauci can easily be replaced by the cabal, if they were to be jailed. It is more effective to let them display their evil to the whole world, so a much greater deliverance can be accomplished in the long run.

There is indeed a large scale white hat military intelligence operation going on, to uproot the entire worldwide system of institutionalized corruption. The goal is to eliminate this evil once and for all. This is however warfare on a level none of us can understand.

There is no way this can be done quickly. We need to be brave, patient, and do our part.

So now that you know there is a problem, what can you do about making sure that you can opt out of any more mandates, surveillane, social credit scores, bank lockouts, or climate lockdowns and microchipping etc.

I believe our sovereign rights and freedoms are not to be decided by any globalist entity that plans to chip us,  kill us, inject us and infest us, and murder or depopulate us as useless eaters.   

We take our divine sovereignty and our diplomacy as god given, and will never be part of any experiment, medical, social or military, against our will nor will we accept responsibility in acceptance of globalist rules/regulations or mandates ordering us into their agenda.

We have chosen to be the counter side of the global experiment, and proudly give our status of well being every 3 years, proving the differences in equality between those acceptable to experimentation and us,  THOSE THAT DO NOT CONSENT.

Sir Larry Swart

Founder & Executive Director, New World Alliances